
  1. Driving times are from Worthington, MN

In Brewster

  1. The Pub

  2. Prairie Bridge

  3. Farms, creeks, prairies, cemeteries, bison/cattle herds... Just drive around - It's beautiful, midwestern countryside!

Parks & Monuments

Near Worthington, MN

  1. Pipestone National Monument (1 hr)

  2. Blue Mounds State Park, MN (40 min)

  3. Palisades State Park, SD (1 hr)

  4. Good Earth State Park, SD (1 hr)

  5. Kilen Woods State Park, MN (40 min)

  6. Minneopa State Park (1 hr 30 min)

On the way from Chicago to Worthington, MN

  1. LaCrosse State Park, WI

  2. Rock Cut State Park, IL

A bit of a drive

  1. Badlands National Park (4 hr 40 min)

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